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What Is Telekinesis
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What Is Telekinesis?
A How To Telekinesis
Guide For Beginners
Nicolas Holder
© 2012 Nicolas Holder
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First Printing, 2011
Printed in the United States of America
“Space and time are not the conditions in which we live, they are simply modes in which we think” – Albert Einstein
There are still millions of things on this world that we are not aware of. Each year a new mathematic formula is created, physics pushes the boundaries further beyond Einstein and Newton, a new disease takes numerous lives, dozens of new species of both plants and animals are found… Nature simply has its mechanisms that we cannot so easily overcome. But probably the most complicated nature’s mechanism is – a human. No wonder then that we, beings that want to know everything about everything else, know actually so little about ourselves.
Sure enough, we know pretty much about our own anatomy. Why? Because it is the material part of us, we can see it, feel it, explore it and experiment with it. But is that really all that we are? Can there be anything more about a human being beyond the material part? What about the mind? Well, actually, we don’t know.
The mind cannot be seen, felt or dissected, and is therefore the greatest unknown, whether we admit it or not. Though many experiments have been conducted during the course of the years, we still do not know how exactly even our conscious mind works, not to mention the unconscious. It has never been studied thoroughly enough, and there is not a single scientist in the world that can explain it and its processes with certainty. Just what if our mind had the power to directly influence matter itself?
Only in the recent history have people begun to understand that potentials of the mind may reach far beyond calculations and solving equations. Experiments are now conducted to see how far its powers go, and if it is really possible to move, distort or in any other way influence matter purely by willpower. Parapsychology, once ridiculed and laughed at, may indeed be the key to such phenomena like Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), which includes telepathy, telekinesis, out of body projection, remote viewing etc. The aim of this report is to point out to ESP and especially telekinesis as at least plausible from the scientific viewpoint, as well as to explain the methods for exploring one’s mind and developing these abilities.
Table of Contents
What is telekinesis?
History of telekinesis
The mystery behind ESP and telekinesis
Is telekinesis possible – the quantum physics dilemma
The theory behind Telekiniesis
The Body
Translocation – Bilocation
Visualization and the power of the mind
Case studies of famous mediums
Stanislawa Tomczyk
Eusapia Palladino
Swami Rama
Ted Serios
Uri Geller
Nina Kulagina
How to develop own telekinesis ability
Method 1 – small object
Method 2 - candle
Method 3 – hanging object
Method 4 – the PSI wheel
Ever since the beginning of mankind, humans have always tended to believe in what they can see and touch or feel, and willingly or not, they somehow always neglected what could not be seen directly. Probably the best proof that this was the case is the theories and formulas forged by some of the greatest minds of humankind, who had to undergo a terrible treatment in order for their work to be recognized. The finest example of this kind of treatment is by far Galileo Galilei, the man who claimed that Earth is not the center of the galaxy, but rather revolves around the center, in which stands the Sun. He was nearly killed for that statement!
We now know that not only Earth but 7 more planets revolve around the sun, and we know it for a fact, but for him it took the better part of his life to try to prove it. The times have changed, humankind has evolved, and people now have more sophisticated methods of proving many things once considered impossible, yet, perhaps out of that inborn feeling of fear of the unknown, some people still have that same chills going down their spine upon the very mention of the terms still hardly explored by science, such as parapsychology, telepathy, telekinesis, ESP or out-of-body projections. And just because something is not fully known to humankind, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.
On the contrary, consider the atom and its particles, protons, electrons and some other, even smaller pieces of that nature’s “puzzle” – we still cannot see them with the naked eye, some even under the largest of microscopes, and some have only theoretically been proven to exist – and yet – the ENTIRE WORLD is formed out of atoms. What cannot be seen does not necessarily have to be impossible or non-existent, maybe we just need some more time to adjust to it and study it more closely. Exactly that is needed with the relatively young science of parapsychology.
When speaking of parapsychology, two terms come springing to one’s mind – telepathy and telekinesis as main examples of ESP (extrasensory perception), though there are various other forms of “paranormal” behavior, as some call it, mocking the very thought of a person being able to influence anything other than his own thoughts through the power of his mind. And telekinesis proves just the opposite.
Telekinesis is the power of a human to influence material world around him through the power of his will, or better to say his mind, since we will see that telekinesis is not necessarily a willing process. Through telekinesis, people are able to move things, meaning physical objects, without ever touching them by hand. This phenomenon has been known to exist a long time ago, but only recently has it been put to various tests in order to prove its genuineness.
For many years, centuries even, all who possessed this gift were mocked and ridiculed, and almost always classified as frauds and cheaters. For that reason, many decided not to show their gift in public, and so it remained a mystery until the post WWII period, when both Americans and Russians started doing tests on people with telekinetic powers in order to gain an edge in the Cold War.
What is telekinesis?
History of telekinesis
Telekinesis, otherwise known as psychokinesis, is direct influence of the mind on any physical object, without the presence of any known physical type of energy. In laymen’s terms, telekinesis is movement or distortion of any object from one’s surroundings only by thoughts, without actual physical contact of any kind with it. The first term telekinesis was coined in 1890 by a Russian psychical researcher Aleksander Aksakof (or Aksakov),
who came up with the name for the phenomenon, derived from Greek tele meaning distant, and kinesis meaning movement.
The term psychokinesis was coined a bit later, in 1914, by American publisher Henry Holt, and derived from Greek psyche which means life or soul, and kinesis, meaning to move. Original meaning of the term though, was only coined in order to describe mysterious movements of objects that were initially attributed to ghosts of deceased people, or angels, demons or some other supernatural forces. It seems though that telekinesis never actually emerged from under that veil of mystery and supernatural.
Early works on telekinesis suggested that there was actually an unidentified fluid within human mind, which was capable, under certain circumstances, of leaving the mind itself, and affecting the physical world around it. This view, held by individuals like Camille Flammarion, French astronomer and author, and William Crookes, British chemist and physicist, pioneer of vacuum tubes and the inventor of Crookes tubes, was later on challenged by psychical researcher Hereward Carrington, a well known investigator of psychic phenomena and author. He argued that any such type of fluid was only hypothetical, as there was no indication of its existence nor has it ever been discovered.
Although first written reports of telekinesis as such reach back to the 19th century, there are some arguments that indicate the usage of telekinesis way before that, ever since the early days of mankind. There are numerous stories of people performing what was thought to be miracles at the time, and what can easily be accredited to it.
Folklores of almost all ancient civilizations are full of such stories. For instance, many argue if telekinesis was the force that ancient Egyptians used when building pyramids, or if Moses actually used some form of telekinesis to part the Red sea during the escape of the Israelites. Though most of these are probably over exaggerated, there are still those stories that were written by the most prominent figures of their times, and events that were witnessed by more than a single individual, sometimes even by hundreds. Such events, which have been historically proven to have happened but which cannot be 100% defined or explained, still today cling on the verge of being credited to “supernatural”.
In more recent age, even though there were some tests done at the turn of the century, telekinesis was only researched actively after WWII, during the era of the Cold War. Both Russians and Americans wanted to develop a technique that would allow one of them to affect or attack the other without sending any men to actual battlefield.
This was the era of the “paranormal boom”, the increase in the interest in PSI powers, telepathy, telekinesis, and other forms of “paranormal” behavior. Most of the experiments that are best known, and certainly the majority of the most convincing experiments date from this period. Even so, telekinesis is still widely researched today, and notable results are achieved year after year.
The mystery behind ESP and telekinesis
All ESP activities, as mentioned before, especially telekinesis, thoughtography (the ability to project one’s thoughts on an undeveloped roll of film) and astral projection, were once accredited to otherworldly beings, such as ghosts, spirits and demons. It took many decades for the educated people to recognize much more in these phenomena then they were presumed to be, and to start connecting the events to a more “lively” environment – to the living. As soon as the fist experiments started, it became obvious that people, or rather people’s minds, were the ones controlling the matter. Not long after, the term “mind over matter” was coined to explain such events.
There is hardly any one of us that has never experienced some form of ESP. Be it a telepathic event where we simply know what our interlocutor has to say before he opens his mouth, or a precognition or Déjà vu effect, when we somehow know the sequence of actions during a particular event, or even a telekinetic incident when we are, for instance, in need of a particular object that we know is far away and then we find it right under our noses as if it mysteriously moved there, there is probably no person in the world that can say he or she never experienced something that can only be described as ESP. But is this really incidental? According to psychic researchers, NO it is not.
Two basic types of telekinesis have been reported, large-scale and small-scale. The first form, the so-called Macro-PK (or Macro-TK) is interesting to spectators, since it is the type of telekinesis that can be seen with the naked eye. This is the form of telekinesis that has led to many disputes over the century, as it is the most intriguing form. But there is also another type of telekinesis, one which cannot be seen with the naked eye, and it is called Micro-TK. As opposed to Macro-TK, this type causes changes to molecules, atoms and subatomic particles, and is visible and measurable only via special scientific equipment.
When a person focuses very hard on a particular object with the intention to move it, what he is actually trying to achieve is willing telekinesis. His intention is to move an object to such a distance that it can be viewed with the naked eye, meaning his intention is to cause large-scale telekinesis. On the other hand, ever since the scientific research of the phenomenon started, it has been very hard to find subjects that are able to perform Macro-TK at will. Rare are those that possess that degree of self-control and initiative needed to perform telekinesis on any given moment. Therefore telekinesis is still a rare gift, but a gift everyone has. Some, a lucky few, have nourished and developed it further, and are able to show it to the world, while the majority of others manage to perform it once in a while, themselves unaware of what it was that actually helped them “do the trick”. Now, this has been a subject of many studies, and it is today believed that, just as mentioned before, telekinesis is actually an UNWILLING process of the mind. By unwilling, we mean a process that happens on a subconscious level, when subjects are not really aware of it and therefore are not willingly trying to achieve it. These studies show that telekinesis is likelier to develop in teenagers, during the process of highest mental development, when their brain is receiving many new information on a daily basis, and their mind is developing states of cognition above the range of those of a child, and towards the range of those of an adult. And though studies show that everyone can achieve a telekinetic effect, willing telekinesis is more often observed in teenagers, or people who are developing the process since their teenager years. However, there are numerous reported cases, as we will see later on, of people who tried willing telekinesis for hours or even days, and only achieved it when they were about to give up.
Is telekinesis possible – the quantum physics dilemma
Scientists now believe that we only use about 7% of our total brain capacity. To put it simple, it is as if we owned a land the size of the entire US, but if we only cultivated and used one part of it, a little less than the size of Texas. That would leave almost an entire country, which is half of North American continent, unexplored. The same goes for our brain. It is said that even the best of geniuses never used more than 10-12% of their brain capacity. That leaves, at best, some 90% of unexplored territory. Therefore, what happens beyond the conscious part of our mind remains a mystery. Could there be any hidden powers deep in the recesses of our minds?
Apart from the “ordinary” improvements like thinking better, calculating faster or reading with a single glance, imagine what other “extraordinary” capacities our brains might contain. What about if we could actually move things only by the power of our mind, or think photographs into existence, levitate from the ground or change the odds in a gambling game? Well, we can. Some of us have already acquired the routine, and some might need to put some effort into it, but it is possible. But there are no supernatural forces involved in any of the ESP phenomena. All ESP could be easily explained if one should take a closer look into quantum physics.
Namely, even though most ESP phenomena are inconsistent with the known laws of physics, that fact alone does not make them impossible. Just because we do not know how something works, does not mean it doesn’t. Perhaps we simply need to try harder and broaden our
views, and correct what we know about physics so far.
Physicists often make the mistake of taking things for granted, and not testing further the theories that have already been proven to work under certain conditions. Such was the case even with one of the most famous and used laws in physics - Newton’s law of gravity. We now know that Newton’s law of gravity works only as an effective approximation, which is good to a well-defined accuracy. For instance, we can find the force between two objects with certain masses separated by some distance using Newton’s law, but the precision of received results drops formidably with the rise in the distance between them. Furthermore, we are aware that Newton’s law can be somewhat successfully applied to matter as we know it, but what happens if we apply it to dark matter, which is again proven to exist but not visible? The results are not nearly as good. There are many ways in which a particle of a common matter can deviate from the laws of gravity as well as from general relativity. One could only imagine how deviant a particle of dark matter might be. But no physicist, at least not known to us, has ever come forward saying he knows everything there is to know about physics.
And it is exactly quantum physics that both challenges and at the same time allows for the ESP phenomena, especially telekinesis, to be possible and reasonable, without having any “supernatural” properties whatsoever. This is so because, on one hand, quantum physics implies that there are only four known forces present in nature: gravity, magnetism or electromagnetism and strong and weak nuclear forces. Excluding the last two since they are only available on subatomic level and their range is less than a millimeter in diameter, we only have two forces present – electromagnetism and gravity. Therefore, for a mind to be able to, for example, bend a spoon, it would need to be able to produce either an unknown force, or one of these two.