What Is Telekinesis Read online

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  Quantum physics in association with biology implies that human brain is not capable of either producing or retaining electromagnetism of that magnitude, which would be the only force strong enough to cause the bending. Therefore we only have the force of gravity which is not that strong a force, and the cells in human brain, considering their size, cannot possibly produce more than 10-9 of its force, which is one billionth of the force of gravity, and we know that gravity itself does not bend spoons, let alone a force so much weaker. To sum it up, since the human mind does not produce any new type of force, and the one it can produce is so weak, human mind is incapable of bending metal, or in any other way interfering with the material world. Or is it?

  On the other hand, that same quantum physics has another theory, one that says that everything around us, all objects and all people, all matter in one word, actually has wave structure. It would be quite inconsiderate if we would try to explain the whole theory in detail here, but we will try to explain at least the basics of it.

  Namely, there is a whole section of quantum physics called wave mechanics, which deals with wave properties of light and particles within an atom. As all particles display certain wave–like properties, this implies that all matter has, in fact, a wave like structure. Principles of the “metaphysics of space and motion and the wave structure of matter” describe how matter as we know it exists in space as a spherical standing wave, which interacts with other matter in the space around it. And there we go! Matter is not a solid-state thing anymore, existing only as particles, but rater has wave-like properties. Simplified, this means that matter reacts to its surroundings by sending waves and receiving waves. Why is this important? Well, it just might be the largest existing theory supporting the possibility of ESP-like phenomena, and especially telekinesis!

  Everything that happens in our mind causes brain activity. This activity can easily be measured, and has long ago been established as brain waves. So everything we feel, see or think causes certain brain waves. Considering the aforementioned theory, if everything we know of is or at least behaves as waves, and therefore interacts with other waves, then it is almost foolish to say that a person’s brain activity COULD NOT cause it to change shape, distort, or move. In other words, if waves react to other waves, than all we need to do is “fine tune” our brain activity, and adjust it to just the perfect frequency so as to interfere with the waves of the matter, or the object we want to influence.

  To summarize, on the quantum level, all matter is energy. Back in 1944, in his speech “The Nature of Matter”, one of the most important German physicists, Max Planck, said: “There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” If we apply to this the theory of the expanding space, which is the process happening ever since the beginning of the universe according to modern science, that means that at one point, all matter that now exists, both on our planet and in the entire universe, was once packed in so tightly together that it was a single particle. Having in mind the First Law of Thermodynamics, if energy cannot be destroyed but rather only changes forms, than at one point we were all part of the same matter. Even though this matter has now spread in thousands of directions, there is still a link. And if by producing thoughts, one actually uses energy, and the entire world basically consist of energy, then these two energies must interact on some level. This is what makes telekinesis very much plausible.

  The theory behind Telekiniesis

  "TELEKINESIS (TK): The ability to cause at a distance by cerebral-generated motive power the movement of matter or energy, inclusively or exclusively, solids, liquids, gases, plasmas, particles of matter, or particles or waves of energy. "

  PSYCHOKINESIS (PK): The ability to cause at a distance or by physical touch using the mind's will power and imagination the extraordinarily profound movement or manipulation of matter, energy, or events.

  Psychokinesis stems from the Greek words psyche meaning life or soul and kinesis meaning to move. Simply restated, "psychic" energy that has the ability to move things without the application of a tangible physical force. Energy can be measured but we can't always use our visible sight and the other senses to quantify validity. Many think the universal life-force energy is tapped and expended into the physical ability to move things. Energy and intent is most powerful. This energy can be viewed as water current where one controls or directs the flow and/or intensity of the flow. The energy to move objects directly relates to the focus of the mental energy.

  The Body

  "Telekinesis is a very special mechanism of motion of objects, which (the motion) instead in our physical world, was initiated in a separate world called the "counter-world" (the counter-world is this other world, which religions used to call a world of spirits)."

  As many know that there are many worlds and dimensions so this would also make some sense. In the many dimensions or "counter-world" as mentioned above, it is where shamans, mystics, saints, monks and magical adepts do their healing and magic. When they operate in this world, the two are blended and we see "miracles" such as objects appearing from nowhere, disappearing and reappearing, strange weather occurrences, voices, animals and strange lights along with many other phenomenon.

  Psychokinesis-PK and telekinesis-TK not only applies to everyday objects, but the physical and spiritual body moving from one realm to another or traveling any perceived distance from one place to another.

  Translocation – Bilocation

  Two terms that closely parallels and directly relates to PK and TK is bilocation and translocation. The "kinesis" of energy can help explain what what these terms are and demonstrates the "movement of energy consciousness".

  The term bilocation is mainly defined by a person who is in two places simultaneously as a projected physical double in some form on earth. One moves their energy into some manifested form consciously as in astral traveling or unconsciously as in person who is dying.

  The term translocation is defined as being more transdimensional and applied to out of body experiences as well as UFO's that come from dimensions other than our own. Translocation is about traversing dimensions beyond space-time to become physical in that particular dimension. The perspective of being seeen is from that dimension. This could apply to Ancient Beings and apparitions becoming manifest here, their dimension to ours.

  In doing any shamanic work, traveling to other worlds lends a deepened appreciation of how energy and consciousness moves.


  Mental activity seems to effect this ability: puberty, major life changes, stress, emotional development and behavior issues including spiritual stages and development. The brain is a pretty complex network of energy! On the Physics and Consciousness web site, it's illustrated that the subatomic particles are always working in conjunction with other particles and thought waves are a powerful force not only in "thinking and cognition" but as real tangible energy, moving, flowing and acting like water. Powerful stuff. It is this "mental energy" that we exuding, controlling the flow, of that universal energy onto physical objects - moving things! Chi, Prana, the Chakras all play an energetic role.

  We can assume that telekinetic energy is natural, based upon laws of physics. If it's natural why can't everyone do it? It could be, innate, genetics, soul purpose, spiritual 'level', training, purpose and reason, responsibility...we can only speculate.

  It seems to be the consensus that this ability "seems to be" tapped naturally in some people by:

   being still within for clarity

   Art of Being Aware

   being in the empty void of the mind

   letting go or unresolved issues (mental stuff)

   Innate abilities

  Again, this changes the mental faculty allowing one to be more open and
aware to the universal flow. People also have this ability when a certain trained mind set is achieved, knowing a certain frequency niche like tuning to a radio station. It is about focus, attention and clear thoughts. It also helps to use very vivid imagery. You "see" the object moving which in turn, directs your thoughts more powefully toward that object.

  "The energy forming the basis of the telekinetic motive power emanates from the head region, not the hands, and not the body as a whole. It activates briefly in a controllable on or off mode by means of a learned mental triggering process and requires a short duration of metabolic recharging, with an increase of effect observed the longer the rest or inactivation period. An eventual headache is a side effect of many activations in a row."


  There seems to be many aspects of "training" this telekinetic ability, trying to move floating objects, influencing pendulums or anything hanging, altering a compass direction, rolling pencils, bending spoons, even the use of divining rods in dowsing. Some imagine a direct tunnel of energy to the object. Some become the object. Others may make hand movements to help influence the energy. Some merely visualize movement. A good object to practice with are those metal toys that balance on a pivot, on a base, they are free moving and are balanced perfectly which reflects the tiniest movement. Those pinwheels that children play with can be good too.

  Everyone has the potential for this ability. In order to be a body builder or a marathon runner we need practice building up to it. Consider it mental excercising. And don't take it too seriously. Like with meditating, if you try try TRY you're too focused on the trying and not the doing.

  Everything has an energetic field, and we are merely energy condensed. It's very possible with practice, one can train the mind to do this ability, if it's not somehow naturally innate without practice.

  It seems moving objects can become a milestone in spiritual development with many striving to accomplish it. Some see it as a badge of "look what I can do". You may ask yourself honestly why you want do this. Once you've achieved moving objects you'll ask yourself..."Now What?" Remember, it's not about accomplishment.

  There may be reasoning to strengthen kinetic energy, but none as powerful and long-lasting as being aware of the energy that is around you. The awareness of your thoughts, your intents and how energy moves and reacts in your surroundings is important. Knowing there are vast muliverses to explore expands our consciousness awareness of ourselves and aids in defining who we are and what we are about.

  The kinesis family of terms is about being aware of the movement and manipulation of matter and energy from one place to another, either this world or in others. It's not the "power" of doing such, but our awareness of energetic interactions regardless of time-space restrictions.

  Visualization and the power of the mind

  As we have seen, telekinesis is by all means possible, according to modern science. But how can it be achieved? And why don’t we all simply have the innate power to move things? Well, telekinesis is rather difficult to master, since it requires, as mentioned, some fine tuning of one’s brain waves, but can be easily developed with a lot of will and effort. Just as an active smoker, in order to really quit smoking once and for all, simply needs to say to himself that he doesn’t need the cigarettes, instead of trying different commercial products, so we need to persuade ourselves that telekinesis is possible, and try to think hard in order to achieve it.

  People are prone to rapid discouragement if things do not go the way they intend them to. This is certainly the wrong approach if one is about to take on a new challenge, such as telekinesis. Instead of giving up, one needs to practice and practice, and when the things aren’t going the right way – practice some more. This kind of self initiative along with one’s self-confidence is the only way that leads to the reward – which is the movement of an object.

  There are various techniques available for practicing telekinesis, and though different, all of them have one aspect in common – each and every one of them tells you to use VISUALIZATION. For telekinesis concretely, they teach you to visualize the object you are trying to influence, and the manner in which you wish to change its state. If you focus your mind, and direct your thoughts, you will be able to achieve what you desire. Imagine having a glass of water for instance. Now, if you try to, let’s say, put out a cigarette with it from the distance of a couple of feet, you might end up missing it. Why? Because water disperses all around, and only a little part of it (if any) goes directly where you want it to go over such a distance, and hits the target. But, if you take a water pistol, pour the water from the glass into it and try again, you are much likelier to hit the target. Why? Because the same body of water now forms a focused beam of water capable of traveling faster, and to larger distances, and capable of landing closer to where it is pointed. So try to make your mind your gun! But bear in mind that not even this method guarantees a hit. Sometimes it takes more than one try. And sometimes it takes many more. In shooting a cigarette with a water pistol, you would be lucky to make one hit in 3, 5 or 10 attempts. In telekinesis, you should be considerably luckier to make one hit in 104 or 105 attempts. That is one hit in 10000 to 100000 tries! It is the same as learning how to write – you need to try writing a sentence many times, and waste a lot of paper, before it will look perfect. But the following overwhelming feeling of thrill upon successfully performing telekinesis cannot nearly be compared to that of putting out a cigarette or writing one’s first sentence. It’s what makes it worth it!

  To achieve the focus needed to willingly perform such feats as telekinesis or any other form of ESP, one needs to put aside all the other thoughts, and keep only those that are related to the objects he is trying to move. Just like when you throw a stone in water, the waves spread in almost perfect circles starting from the point where it his water, but only if water surface is undisturbed further. If you, for instance, place a stick in the water near where you throw the stone, the weaves will break against the stick as soon as they get to it. The same happens if you throw many smaller stones, the waves of each one of them distort when hit by the waves of another. So you can understand that only when pure-minded, you can focus your thoughts.

  What visualization does is it provides you with a means of “thinking clearly” so to say, without interruption from the outside or any other inner thoughts. By visualizing, you force your mind to keep only one image in place, and subdue everything else in order to keep that image. What your mind does, basically, is act like a painter who has a canvas by his side, and a model in front of him. With mind as your painter and brain as your canvas, all you need to do is make the model as “visible” to the painter as possible, for him to be able to “paint” it, meaning rearrange it the way he wants.

  For people trying to achieve telekinesis, visualization exercises are recommended on a daily basis, and they do not have to last any longer than 5 minutes a day. If you review all the time spent each day on various other “wasteful” thinking, including absent-minded day-dreaming which is common to almost all of us, the 5 minutes of focused peace and quiet is a small price to pay considering the possible gain.

  In telekinesis, visualization means imagining yourself doing what you want to do to the desired object. So if you are trying to knock down a pen set vertically on the table, you must imagine not only the pen falling, but rather the whole process – visualize yourself moving your hand towards the pen, and touching it with the tip of your finger just enough for it to fall down. The visualization must be realistic, not the dreamy kind of blurry images of yourself but rather the exact picture of you or your hand moving towards the pen and toppling it.

  But this visualization must not be forced. What is meant by forced? Well, you must not allow yourself to feel discouraged if you do not achieve what you wished for right away, and try changing your visualization each time in order to achieve the result. You must not be focused solely on the result. The visualization must be relaxed, meaning a normal flow of thought
, purified from any foreign influence. If, for example, you imagine what you intend to do, but you do not succeed in your first or second attempt, you mustn’t let go to your inner feelings of anger, discouragement or despondency.

  These feelings create in you a negative atmosphere, one where your thoughts, whether you are aware of it or not, start turning away from you actual visualization and towards your emotions. As a result, you feel that your visualization is not working, where instead your thoughts on a subconscious level are not even tuned in with you. The truth is the harder you try, the more energy you spend on forcing the visual aspect, the more eager you are to achieve the results - the likelier you are to fail, as your thoughts divert towards achieving results and not towards proper visualization. The more stress you generate within you, again whether you are aware of it or not, the less confidence you have, and that is what starts holding you back instead of showing progress.

  In the beginning, whether visualization is proper or not, you will likely have little (if any) success. That has nothing to do with your thoughts, your visualizations, and certainly nothing to do with you not being “special” enough. Even though you often hear that only certain people can achieve telekinesis, that is not true. ANYONE can do it, but it takes practice. If you fail at first, it only has to do with the WAY you think. When you are new to the concept of visualization, even if you follow all the rules and create proper images in your mind, you still need to get used to the idea of visualization as such.