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What Is Telekinesis Page 4

  Further on, in his initial shows and occasionally later on, Geller would make old watches work again, or stop them completely for a period of time. Again, after watching his shows, people at home reported of having their old watches suddenly stop or start working again. Exactly because of these feats, especially because of the “miracles” happening to people at home watching his shows, Geller acquired masses of fans worldwide, and attracted the attention of scientists around the globe, who decided to pay closer attention to this young man claiming to be psychic. In December of 1972, a group of scientists from Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California, conducted a set of experiments with Geller, with his consent of course, to see whether he was a genuine medium, or just another charlatan. These tests were conducted under controlled conditions, and all of them were thoroughly documented in writing and in video tapes.

  Uri Geller during one of the testings

  During these experiments, Uri displayed all of his most famous feats but showed that he actually had something more up his sleeve. In one of the experiments, a video of which is available online, Geller exhibited strong dowsing capabilities, when he was asked to find a metal bearing hidden in a container among a dozen of such containers. These were so-called “double blind” experiments, where neither the scientist experimenting with him nor Geller knew the exact position of the right container. An independent third person would rearrange the containers for them. In these tests, Uri performed exceptionally well, and at first needed to go over the containers with his hand, eliminating the wrong ones. He, of course, was not allowed to touch any of them, or it would be classified as failure. After the initial experiments, all completely successful, Geller reportedly got to a point where he didn’t have to use his hand any more, and even so far that he would point the right container just by looking at them upon entering the room.

  In another “double blind” experiment, a die was placed in a metal box, and shuffled by a third person. Geller was to guess the number on the die facing upwards. Although he chose to pass two times of the ten in total, all of the eight guesses were correct. The probability of pure chance here was around 1 : 1000000, which was exactly what the experimenters were aiming for.

  There were many more experiments done with Geller that we will not mention here, and he passed all of them successfully, but, ironically, the experiments about the one attribute that Geller was most known for, the bending of metal, though performed during testing, were not counted in as success, but rather noted under “additional research needed”. This was so because, though Geller was allegedly capable of bending metal even from a distance, he was not able to demonstrate it during testing, and had to hold the objects directly, which counted as a miss since he could directly influence the object.

  Nevertheless, the testing performed by scientists Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ concluded that, as far as the two of them were concerned, Geller exhibited features that were still unexplainable by science and that could not be reproduced in any other way in a controlled environment, and they proclaimed him a genuine psychic. Of course, not everyone was convinced as is the case with literally all psychics, but it certainly helped Geller’s career and turned him into a real TV star, one that would later become a good friend of Michael Jackson and a very prominent figure overall. He even stared in several movies in ‘00s.

  Geller with his 1976 Cadillac covered with pieces of cutlery used, touched or given to him by the most famous people in history.

  Of all the mediums mentioned here, Uri Geller is the only one still alive. He is still active, and puts up shows from time to time. He is probably the most disputed medium of recent times, and though much fuss was being raised over his performances and success, no one ever proved him a fraud or a hoaxer without any doubt whatsoever.

  Nina Kulagina

  By far the most notable medium to this day has to be Russian Nina Kulagina. Born in 1926 as Ninel Sergeyevna Kulagina in St. Petersburg, Russia, Kulagina was one of the most studied mediums ever. Unlike Geller who was studied for a short period and most of video recorded material about him comes from his own shows or appearances in others’, videos and photos about Kulagina are mostly from the experiments done with her. One might easily say that Kulagina was studied for the better part of her adult life. Though much of the experiments were conducted during the Cold War era when the race between the US and Russian in many fields was culminating and many stated her feats were a part of Russian propaganda, Kulagina remains the best studied medium, as scientists from all around the world and from all spheres of science studied her, including Germans and Americans. Among them were also two Nobel Prize laureates.

  In her own words, Kulagina became aware of her powers as a girl, when at one point when she was angry, things started moving away from her as she would approach them. Later on, different phenomena started happening throughout her apartment including lights going on and off, and objects moving away from her or towards her, rearranging her flat. She realized that she was the cause of these happenings, and that she must possess certain psychic powers. She learned to control these powers, and initiate them at will.

  In 1964 she had a nervous breakdown and was recovering at the hospital. During this time, Nina did a lot of sewing both as a pastime and to take her mind off the hospital. The doctors were amazed after they noticed she always picked exactly the color of thread she wanted form the basket where she kept them, without ever looking at the basket. The doctors contacted local parapsychologists, who immediately after she recovered, the following year, started the experiments with her. Apparently, Kulagina was able to “see” the colors with her fingertips.

  As it turned out, Nina Kulagina was as versatile as a psychic at least to the extent Geller was. Her performance consisted of, among others, moving smaller objects across the table and making not only compass needle but the whole compass move at her will. A significant difference between Kulagina and Geller though, is that Kulagina was able to move any kind of object, regardless of the material it was made of. Geller had the best results with metal, easily manipulated by magnets, which is why many challenge his achievements even today. Kulagina’s only restriction was the weight of the object, as she could only control smaller objects. But the thing that interested Russian scientist the most, especially in the Cold War era, was another of her abilities.

  Namely, Kulagina was apt at influencing hart beats. Unlike Swami Rama who had the ability to influence his own temperature and hart rate, Kulagina could easily influence others’. In one experiment back in the 1970, she was given a live frog, and the task was for her to slow or stop its heart for a moment. As she performed this task successfully, the Russians started wondering if maybe they had a new kind of weapon at their disposal. Such weapon, capable if needed of affecting the Americans from a safe distance, behind the Iron Curtain. They decided to study her further to determine just how far her capabilities reach, and in another experiment they had a volunteer to have his heart rate slowed down. Kulagina almost caused cardiac arrest in the man, and the experiment was stopped. Record of this particular experiment, just all the others, were kept a secret, but somehow leaked when major deflections of notable people from Russia to US started. Parts of it can be accessed via internet and other sources, but nobody knows where the majority of the files lie. The extent of her actual accomplishments can only be imagined, as in order to keep her identity a secret, she was obliged for many years to use a pseudonym, Neyla Mikhailova.

  Of what is left of the written documentation, one article is particularly interesting. A prominent Czech scientist connected with the Prague Military Institute, Dr. Zdenek Rejdak, published the following article in Czech Pravda:

  “I visited the Kulagina family the evening of 26 February, 1968. Mr. Blazek, an editor friend was with me, also a physician, Dr. J.S. Zverev, and Dr. Sergeyev. Her husband, an engineer, was also present. Dr. Zverev gave Mrs. Kulagina a very thorough physical examination. Tests with special instruments failed to show any indication
whatever of magnets or any other concealed object.

  We checked the table thoroughly and also asked Mrs. Kulagina frequently to change position at the table. We passed a compass around her body and the chair and table with negative results. I asked her to wash her hands. After concentrating, she turned the compass needle more than ten times, then the entire compass and its case, a matchbox and some twenty matches at once. I placed a cigarette in front of her. She moved that too, at a glance. I shredded it afterwards and there was nothing inside it. In between each of tests, she was again physically examined by the doctor.”

  Less known to the general public, Kulagina too had some of the characteristics Ted Serios showed. Though these remain unrecorded, or at least the records are nowhere to be found, Kulagina reportedly was able to imprint the letters A and O on photo paper, and sometimes she could even imprint the outlines of a photograph she saw. But a quite remarkable phenomenon, again only reported with no substantial evidence, was that she was able to psychically develop a roll of undeveloped film, sealed in an envelope.

  Another less known fact, and fact it is since it was documented, is that sometimes Kulagina’s clothes would catch fire due to the enormous amounts of energy she produced. In a television show, near the end of her life, she was able to willingly reproduce this fire phenomenon, causing a bright red patch to appear on the arm of a European journalist.

  A notable experiment, again a strange one, but neatly video recorded, is the one where she is presented with a raw egg floating in a glass container filled with salted water. Kulagina managed, in the video at least, from a distance of almost two meters, to separate the yolk from the white and place the two to opposite corners of the container. Though it is not seen in the part of the video that is easily accessible, it is reported that if she would concentrate enough, she could even put the egg back together.

  All these feats Kulagina performed, as one can imagine, used up a lot of her energy. She was reportedly loosing from two to four pounds per experiment, and she needed a lot of time in between experiments. It seemed as if she used her own body as a battery for producing the energy, and the battery was getting depleted. Usually it would take her some 3-4 hours to prepare for one. This is why most critics believe she must have been cheating, regardless of the fact that she would be thoroughly examined before each experiment. However, she was spending this time to concentrate, because as she said herself, she needed to have pure mind, clear of any thoughts except those that focus on the tasks. During the experiments, her pulse and blood pressure would either drop below normal limits, or jump sky-high, and the available documentation shows that while doing some experiments her pulse would go as high as 120 BMP and her pressure over 220.

  The effects continuous experiments had on her body eventually reflected on her health, and she was admitted to a hospital in the late ‘70s for a nearly fatal heart attack. She was advised to abstain from experiments for a time, and she did just that. She would still do them, but not to the extent she did before the heart attack. During this period another taped experiment occurred, when two German scientists came to her home unannounced, and as the table was set for a meal she begun moving just about everything on it. She would put smaller glasses inside bigger ones, and she would then move them, completely unaided by any kind of aid such as thread or similar, and she did the same with a small table-tennis ball. The scientists, needless to say, were amazed. As the time passed, she became increasingly more easily fatigued while performing, and eventually stopped the performances altogether. When she was asked to perform one final time, near the very end of her life, she was unable.

  Nina Kulagina died in 1990, symbolically marking the end of the Cold War and the end of SSSR. She is remembered as the psychic that was most experimented with, and of whose work exist the largest number of video-documented evidence. Though she had many critics since the first experiments with her started, Kulagina was never proven a hoaxer, and to this day no person, magician or not, was able to reproduce her feats exactly the way she performed them.

  How to develop own telekinesis ability

  For those that are willing to try to develop their own telekinesis ability, the most important factor to start from is BELIEF. If one is fully dedicated to it, he will succeed. People that truly believe in what they are doing have the best chance of actually achieving their goal, just like with anything else in life. Negative thoughts, disbelief and skepticism lead nowhere. Again, too much doubt in one’s abilities may as well lead nowhere too. So the first thing every individual needs is positive thoughts, a positive overall approach to what they want to accomplish, and in case of telekinesis a great dose of persistence and will to try again and again. If, as we have seen before, telekinesis is an innate power of our mind, but if we have never used it, than it takes a lot of time and effort to “wake” it up. Rare are those known mediums that simply had the power to influence matter. Most of them became aware of it at some point in their lives, and from that moment on nourished the gift they possessed. That meant, according to their own testimonials, a lot of meditating, visualization, and psycho-physical preparations, and of course continuous practice. Another important thing to consider is WHY one would like to possess such properties. Telekinesis is not a feat one should use just for the fun of it. An individual has to be aware of the world around him, and clear the mind of any sort of egoism. There are many tests one can perform in order to invoke telekinesis, and only some of them will be listed here. Bear in mind though, that these are not imperatives, as every one of us is different in some way or the other and therefore each of us may have a more personal approach. These exercises are to be taken as a guide rather than an instruction manual, and every individual is welcomed to adjust them the way he or she finds fit instead of following it blindly, for what works for one person does not have to work for another.

  Once more, the important notice – do not force yourself to perform telekinesis, as you are almost certainly bound to fail. Concentrate rather on yourself trying to invoke what is a part of you. DO NOT pursue the results, they will come with time, probably when you least expect them. It takes days for some people, weeks or years for others, and some never achieve it. Having the right perspective on the entire phenomenon makes all the difference.

  Method 1 – small object

  Before actually trying to influence an object in any way, one needs to clear his or her mind entirely. Take as much time as needed; it doesn’t have to be either 5 or 15 minutes. Once you feel you are relaxed enough, and have no thoughts floating through your mind deflecting your attention, take an object and place it in front of yourself on a table or similar flat surface. The object can indeed be anything you like, but for beginners it is best to use a light and preferably in some way rounded object, like a pencil or similar, elongated so that a small amount of force should be enough to take it down. The object should be placed in front of you, but far enough not to be reachable by hand or influenced by breathing. Now concentrate all your attention to it. Watch it closely and visualize in your mind everything about it. Try to make the image of it in your mind as true to the original as possible, including its color, shape, structure, the irregularities it may contain, the reflection light on it and any other details it may contain.

  If you can not do it from the first try, open your eyes and look at it again. Proper visualization is the key to success. Once you are satisfied with the accomplished visualization, open your eyes again and focus your attention on the object again. This time, imagine being one with the object. Imagine it as a part of you, and you as a part of it. You should be able to feel its structure as if it was your own, and at one point this feeling should transform into an emotion that strongly ties you to that object.

  Once the previous step is achieved, close your eyes again. Keep the emotion of unity, and visualize yourself moving the object. When you are satisfied with the image you created, open your eyes and try it. Focus all your attention on performing what you just saw yourself doing a minu
te ago. If you manage to move the object even a tiny bit, you will know you are on the right track. Some mediums are more apt at focusing the energy they produce through their hands, so if you can not achieve it just by looking at the object, try placing your hands on both sides of the object at a reasonable distance. Afterwards try moving your hands in various directions in order to channel the energy just the right way.

  The first time one tries this exercise, failure is almost certain. This is so because to an untrained individual’s mind focus and visualization are unknown. You need to train your mind into thinking what you want it to, and not just random thoughts as in everyday life. The important thing to note is that you must not let yourself be discouraged by the attempt, but rather consider you have just climbed one more step on the ladder that leads to the secrets of your mind. With further practice, success is step by step closer.